2nd Hermēneus Colloquium

2nd Hermēneus Colloquium
for Translation and Interpreting

Linguistic mediation and humanities:
tradition, innovation and revolution

Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
Duques de Soria University Campus
University of Valladolid
Soria, 6-8 May 2020





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I Hermēneus Conference

I Hermēneus Conference
Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies: from the Local to the Global
School of Translation and Interpreting
University of Valladolid (Soria Campus)
March 26th-27th, 2014

  Conference programme  



Click on the image to access the full text. The individual chapters can be accessed as well via the UVaDoc institutional repository (browse by author’s family name).
The hard copy of the DVD-Book includes an annex containing the video recordings of the delivery of the papers at the Conference venue. Order your copy at the website of the University of Valladolid Press (Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid), or, alternatively, writing to María Teresa Sánchez Nieto (maysn at lia.uva.es).


Copies of this book can be ordered directly from the Publishing House (Frank & Timme) by filling this form.

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Hermēneus Symposiums

II Coloquio Hermēneus de Traducción e Interpretación
Mediación lingüística y humanidades: tradición, innovación, revolución

Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación. Campus Universitario Duques de Soria
Universidad de Valladolid
Soria, del 6 al 8 de mayo de 2020


I Hermēneus Conference
Corpus-based Translation and Interpreting Studies: from the Local to the Global

School of Translation and Interpreting
University of Valladolid
(Soria Campus)
March 26th-27th, 2014


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Submission and publication guidelines


DISBABELIA – Hermēneus Collection of Obscure Translations

Hermēneus will publish, as a complementary activity to the periodical edition of articles, reviews and brief translations, a collection of translations under the generic name of “Disbabelia. Hermēneus Collection of Obscure Translations”.

Initially, the translations included in this series will be of any literary genre. Treatises or works dealing with other humanistic or cultural genres may also be considered for publication.

The source languages may include any world language, present or past. The primary target language will be Spanish. The other languages taught at the Department of Translation and Interpreting of Soria – French, English, German and Italian – may also be given consideration as target languages.

In this project, “obscure translations” are, above all, defined as the translation of minority, exotic, dead or artificial languages that are unknown or relatively unfamiliar, that have not been translated or that have been rarely translated. Translations of authors whose works have not been translated, or rarely so, although such authors have written in a major language, are also solicited.

The express aim of this collection is to complement or supplement a wide range of authors, works and languages of great cultural and linguistic interest but which are not economically feasible for commercial publishers. This philosophy presupposes certain risks, but it also implies the desire to go where others cannot and, perhaps, to achieve that goal, but it also entails the responsibility of keeping in mind the noble mission of translation: facilitating contact between cultures and human societies separated by languages in order that they may become acquainted with each other. For us, the greater the divide or unfamiliarity separating human beings, the greater their interest.

Disbabelia invokes the myth of the Tower of Babel, so associated with the practical birth of the need for translation and interpreting, but in a contrary sense. We do not believe that the division of languages is a curse but rather an inalienable human patrimony to be carefully protected.

This project will be sponsored by the University Press of the University of Valladolid, in collaboration with the Department of Translation and Interpreting of Valladolid at Soria.

The series will be biannual, although, if special circumstances warrant, the publication of a special issue may be considered.

Those interested in publishing a translation in this collection should present the following initial documentation:

  • An initial project or summary that includes a description of the final project, including length, genre, etc., and which delineates the reasons for its publication in a collection of the characteristics and objectives such as Disbabelia. Furthermore, information concerning the author and the source language and culture should be provided, if necessary.
  • A brief curriculum vitae emphasizing personal experience in the field of translation or philological, linguistic or literary study.

Correspondence should be sent to the following:

  Juan Miguel Zarandona Fernández
(Director de la Revista Hermēneus)
Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
Campus Universitario Duques de Soria s/n
42004 Soria (Spain)
Tel: + 34 975 129 174 / +34 975 129 100
Fax: + 34 975 129 101
E-mail: juanmiguel.zarandona@uva.es / hermeneus.trad@uva.es

Translations should be of high literary quality. Revision by one or more editors will be essential.

Anonymity will be guaranteed during the entire acceptance process of the project, study and correction of the translation, until the definite acceptance of a work for publication in Disbabelia is approved. Acceptance will be confirmed in writing.

Due to the probable presence of cultural differences that can greatly hinder the comprehension of the translated texts, translators are encouraged to provide any explanatory notes they feel are necessary, as well as general introductions to the work, the author and his/her artistic career, and to the source culture.

Disbabelia has contemplated since its founding close collaboration with all the Departments of Philology of the University of Valladolid.

It also seeks collaboration and co-publishing with organizations, such as embassies, ministries, foundations, cultural institutes, businesses, etc., interested in this project.

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Submission and publication guidelines


VERTERE – Monographs of the Journal Hermēneus

Hermēneus will publish, as a complementary activity to the periodical edition of articles, reviews and brief translations, an annual supplement under the generic title of “Vertere. Monographs of the Journal Hermēneus.”

This project will be sponsored by the Provincial Council of Soria, in collaboration with the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Valladolid (Soria campus).

The areas of research will be those detailed in the publication guidelines of the Journal Hermēneus: all those in the field of translation and interpreting and other related areas involving linguistics, documentation, literature and the humanities.

In order to have a work considered for publication in this collection, the following documentation must be forwarded to the director of the periodical Hermēneus:

  • Dated letter of application
  • A brief curriculum vitae, including pertinent personal data
  • A summary of the work or a projective study of the work to be considered for publication
  • The complete original in case of a completed work (hard copy and diskette)

The text length should be a minimum of one hundred double-spaced pages and a maximum of two hundred. In the event these requirements cannot be met, the authors should contact the director of Hermēneus. The case will be studied and, if possible, an agreement satisfactory to both parties will be reached.

Correspondence should be sent to:

  Juan Miguel Zarandona Fernández
(Director de la Revista Hermēneus)
Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
Campus Universitario Duques de Soria s/n
42004 Soria (Spain)
Tel: + 34 975 129 174 / +34 975 129 100
Fax: + 34 975 129 101
E-mail: juanmiguel.zarandona@uva.es / hermeneus.trad@uva.es

Anonymity will be guaranteed and perspective collaborators will be notified within a reasonable period of time as to acceptance, qualified acceptance or rejection. In the case of qualified acceptance, the corresponding revisions by the member or members of the Scientific Committee of the periodical Hermeneus will be enclosed. Said revisions must be carried out.

The principal languages in which the works should be written are Spanish, English, French, German or Italian (the primary languages of the department); however, works written in other languages will be accepted, provided their objective is research in translation and interpreting from Spanish to other languages of the Iberian Peninsula or vice versa.

The works must be unpublished and cannot be simultaneously submitted for publication to other institutions, organizations or publishing houses.

In order to maintain the necessary coherence of this publication project, any other requirement of the Journal Hermēneus may be applied to the monographs in addition to those stated above.

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Submission and publication guidelines

HERMĒNEUS – Journal of Research in Translation and Interpreting

Hermēneus is an annual publication of the Department of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Valladolid (Soria Campus). It is dedicated to the publication of original articles, book reviews and other related activities dealing with research in translation and interpreting and other similar linguistic, documentational and literary areas of the humanities. Submitted articles should conform to the scientific logical-formal structure and methodology inherent to the subject.

Articles should not exceed 30 typed pages of standard paper, each page to contain no more than 51 lines of 56 spaces each (an approximate total of 15,000 words), including tables, graphics, notes and bibliography. Reviews are subject to said norms, but should not exceed six pages. The Editorial Committee of Hermēneus will select those books it feels are relevant for published reviews. Likewise, books submitted for possible review in the journal will be accepted. They should be sent to the Committee, and they will be returned if so stated. Book reviewers will be chosen by the Editorial Committee.

Originals should be composed on a common type of word processor, submitted in duplicate and be accompanied by a disk labelled with the author’s name and article title. Material will be accepted at the following address:

  Juan Miguel Zarandona Fernández
Director de la Revista Hermēneus

Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
Campus Universitario Duques de Soria s/n
42004 Soria, España (Spain)

Tel: + 34 975 129 174/+34 975 129 100
Fax: + 34 975 129 101
Email: juanmiguel.zarandona@uva.es / hermeneus.trad@uva.es

However, authors are encouraged to send their contributions electronically as texts attached to their e-mails.

Those interested in publishing in Hermēneus must bear in mind that the principal languages of the periodical are: Spanish, French, English, German and Italian. Other languages may be considered, provided that they employ the Latin alphabet. However, experts with the proper linguistic competence and knowledge in pertinent fields in languages other than those mentioned are not often available to evaluate articles.

The articles must be unpublished and cannot be submitted simultaneously to other publications. The first page should contain the following elements: title and English translation; name of author or authors; professional affiliation (present or former university or universities or other institution); summary of a maximum of 150 words, containing the pertinent key words in both Spanish and English, delineating the fundamental organization and the principal contribution of the work. It is recommended that the text be structured around epigraphs, numbered in Arabic numerals (1., 1.1, etc.). For obvious reasons, reviews will not include summaries or key words.

The Secretary of Hermēneus will acknowledge receipt of the articles within 30 working days, and the Scientific Committee will rule on publication within six months.

Researchers who wish to publish in Hermēneus must respect the areas of research and the publication guidelines of the periodical, as well as the peer-reviewed report of the Scientific Committee or of those persons of recognized prestige in the material or field of research consulted. Lack of acceptance of or conformance to said guidelines may result in rejection. Authors whose manuscripts meet the above-stated criteria will be informed of total acceptance (letter of acceptance) or partial acceptance (report or reports). In the latter case, detailed explanation of the formal or contextual reasons preventing publication will be provided in order that the interested party or parties, upon their discretion, may edit the manuscript in accordance with the suggestions given in the report or reports. The selection and editing process will carried out in the strictest confidence in order to guarantee the objectivity and rigor of the reports. Moreover, the Scientific Committee will respect the intellectual freedom of the authors and will not modify their opinions, although it may not be necessarily in agreement with said opinions.

Excessive quotations should be avoided; if quotations exceed two lines, they will be indented. Any authorial comments within the quotation must be placed in brackets in order to clearly distinguish them from the quoted material. All quotations, whether textual or paraphrased, should be accompanied by the corresponding bibliographic reference in parentheses, which must include page number and, if necessary, the surname of the author and the year of publication. The text should also be accompanied by standard footnotes, which should not contain bibliographic references but rather commentary or complementary explication of the text. Tables, graphics and maps included in the work will be sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals, and each element should be identified by a brief title and the source. If the inclusion of engravings, photographs or other types of illustration are deemed necessary or advisable, authors must consult the Editorial Board.

Hermēneus will send proofs of the originals to the authors so that detailed corrections may be made within 15 days of receipt. Said corrections are obligatory. The authors will receive a single copy of the galley proof. The Editorial Committee asks that no major changes be made to the original text during the correction of proofs, since such changes would reflect on the final printing cost.

Hermēneus does not pay royalties. The rights correspond to the Periodical, and the permission of the Editorial Committee is required for partial or complete reproduction. In any case, the source must be indicated.

Hermēneus may publish brief literary translations sent to the Secretary of the Editorial Committee by collaborators who agree to comply with requirements equivalent to those established for the acceptance of articles and reviews. Hermēneus will publish both the first and second place awards for literary translation and scientific-technical translation organized and sponsored by the Department of Translation and Interpreting of Soria.

  From its issue 19 (2017) Hermēneus is only published electronically



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Style guide

  From its issue 19 (2017) Hermēneus is only published electronically



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Submission and publication guidelines


    Journal of Research in Translation and Interpreting
    Monographs of the Journal Hermēneus
    Hermēneus Collection of Obscure Translations

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Subscription, distribution and sales

For purchase of single copies or to subscribe to the Hermēneus Project publications, contact the following addresses:


Pórtico Librerías, S.L.
Muñoz Seca, 6
50005 Zaragoza (España / Spain)
Tel: (+34) 976 350 303
Fax: (+34) 976 353 226
Web: www.porticolibrerias.es
E-mail: distrib@porticolibrerias.es



Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid
C/ Juan Mambrilla, 14
47003 Valladolid (España)
Tel: +34 983 187 810
Correo-e: ediciones@uva.es

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    H E R M Ē N E U S
    Revista de Traducción e Interpretación

    V E R T E R E
    Monográficos de la Revista Hermēneus

    D I S B A B E L I A
    Colección Hermēneus de Traducciones Ignotas

  • Dirección

    Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación
    Campus Universitario Duques de Soria
    42004 Soria (España)

    Correo-e: hermeneus.trad@uva.es           juanmiguel.zarandona@uva.es

    Tel: + 34 975 129 174 / +34 975 129 100
    Fax: + 34 975 129 101