Presentation of TIERRA group

¿How was created the TIERRA group?


The TIERRA group was founded by Felix Jové Sandoval and Jose Luis Sáinz Guerra at the School of Architecture of Valladolid, Spain, in 2004. The purpose of the group was from the beginning to promote activities around the traditional architecture, most notably the architecture built with earth, in its different versions, either rammed earth, adobe brick, CEB or any other system. The architecture of our region, Castilla y Leon, is dominated by the earth, especially in the middle area, in the great central plains of the Castilian plateau, and hence the name TIERRA Group (tierra means earth in spanish language), although this does not involve the failure to consider other architectures, other materials such as stone, brick, wood, etc.
It is noteworthy that other aspects are also covered of equal value, and have a role in the formation of our territory, urbanism and landscape. 

The activities that the TIERRA group wants to enhance cover two major areas: conservation and innovation. On the one hand conservation means to cherish the heritage of traditional architecture in our region, disseminated information labor, this leads to assess and teach the buildings value of our towns, urban areas, the anthropic rural landscapes importance. Conservation also means the knowledge and dissemination of more appropriate rehabilitation techniques for buildings in disrepair, to make way for its maintenance. 

On the other hand, innovation involves the need for continuity in traditional architecture in the present. The architecture has continued to evolve, but this new architecture can’t mean the destruction of Traditional Architecture, the new architecture must be adapted to historical sites, must respect in certain areas of great value, the laws of the surroundings. At the same time, the new architecture can draw important lessons of Traditional Architecture. Finally, it should be noted the importance of traditional architecture and traditional materials from the point of view of sustainability.

Avda Salamanca S/N. First floor
47014 Valladolid

The TIERRA group head office is placed in the School of Architecture of Valladolid, Spain.

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