Conferencias plenarias

El profesor José Ignacio Royo Prieto ha participado como conferenciante invitado en el Workshop "Sasakian manifolds, Riemannian foliations,and related topics" (26-28 junio, Univ. Jagiellonski, Krakow, Polonia).

Título: Hard Lefschetz Property for Isometric flows and -actions
(Joint work with M.Saralegi-Aranguren and R.Wolak)

Abstract: The Hard Lefschetz Property (HLP) is an important property which has been studied in several categories of the symplectic world. For Sasakian manifolds, this duality is satisfied by the basic cohomology (so, it is a transverse property). A new version of the HLP has been recently given in terms of duality of the cohomology of the manifold itself. Both properties were recently proved to be equivalent in the case of -contact flows. We show that the HLP is naturally defined for the more general category of isometric flows, and for the category of almost-free -actions, which generalizes the rich properties of the 3-Sasakian manifolds. We also show that both versions of the HLP (transversal and global) are equivalent for isometric flows and for certain almost-free -actions.

Web del congreso:

Singularités réelles et complexes en Cargèse AP60
Conférence en l'honneur du 60ème anniversaire d'Adam Parusiński
Fechas:  29 abril al 3 mayo 2019
Conferencia plenaries de miembros del equipo:
Fernando Sanz Sánchez: "Alternative interlacing/Hardy-compatibility of solutions of ODEs with definable coefficients"

Congreso: Conference AAMDE 2017

Lugar: Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP RAS), Moscú, Rusia .

 Fechas: del 31 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 2017.


Miembros del equipo conferenciantes:

Ponente y título: Alberto Lastra (Plenaria),  Gevrey multiscale expansions of singular solutions of PDEs with cubic nonlinearity.

Ponente y título: Javier Sanz (Plenaria), Multisummability in ultraholomorphic classes defined by log-convex sequences.



Página web del congreso: