VI International Congress
of Earth Architecture, 2009

26th, 27th september 2009, in Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid


Organised by TIERRA group, from University of Valladolid, congressional direction by José Luis Sainz Guerra, organizing committee members: Félix Jové Sandoval, Dr. Architect, Professor of the University of Valladolid; in collaboration: Cuenca de Campos Town Hall, Valladolid, UNESCO Heritage, Restauration and Habitat.


Presented Papers

Recommendations for renewing. Intervention criteria in traditional architecture
José Luis Sainz Guerra.
University of Valladolid, Spain.

Typological and constructive analysis of rammed earth curved walls. Windmills in Tierra de Campos.
David Muñoz de la Calle, Luis Pahino Rodríguez and Félix Jové Sandoval, University of Valladolid, Spain.

UNE 41410 legislation: 2008 "Compressed Earth Blocks for walls and partitions. Definitions, requirements and test methods".
Pedro J. Olmos Martínez and Félix Jové Sandoval. University of Valladolid, Spain.

Using natural materials in the coating of adobe walls.
María Teresa Méndez Landa, Eduardo Mendiola Morales and Frank R. Saboya Rojas.
Ricardo Palma University, Lima (Perú).

Density, Hollow, Light.
José Manuel González Vázquez, Santiago Bellido Blanco and Concepción Pérez Martín. University of Valladolid, Spain; and Lusíada University of Oporto (Portugal).

The earth in the industrial architecture of the provinces of Valladolid and Salamanca
Alicia Sainz Esteban and Mónica del Río Muñoz. University of Valladolid, Spain.

The lime in the design and conservation of earthen architecture.
Beatriz García Koch, Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca and Francisco Javier Soria López.
Metropolitan Autonomous University of Xochimilco, México City (México).

Rediscovering the earth, rehabilitation of the forge building and two apartments with adobe. Gotarrendura (Avila).
Carlos Jiménez Pose. Ávila, Spain.

The Pegueras in Tierra de Pinares.
Raquel Martínez Fernández, Valladolid, Spain.

Innovation in building with earth. Coexistence with the new requirements and regulations.
Marta Molina Huelva. Sevilla, Spain.

Alentejo-terra actual e contemporânea.
Filipe Jorge. Lisbon (Portugal).

Avilação experimental de uma solução de reforço sísmico de paredes de alvenaria de adobe
António Figueiredo, Humberto Varum y Aníbal Costa. Universidade de Aveiro

Traits and deterioration of the architecture building on earth in eastern Cuba.
Idamnis Monteagudo Rodríguez, Belkis Saroza Horta, Yami Castro Conrado, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Díaz, María del Rosario Gonzales Moradas and Pedro Nolasco Ruiz Sánchez. Polytechnic Institute “José Antonio Echevarría” (Cuba), Central University of las Villas (Cuba), University of Oviedo, Spain.

Characterization of rammed earth boxes in San Pedro de Latarce castle, Valladolid
Félix Jové Sandoval, David Muñoz de la Calle and Luis Pahino Rodríguez. University of Valladolid, Spain.


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Photo Gallery


Image 1. Photo group in the main square in Cuenca de Campos

Image 2. The mayor with the heads of Congress in the distribution of diplomas and certificates

Image 3. Photo group at the convent and houses of the seventeenth century



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