IX International Congress
of Earth Architecture, 2012

28th, 29th, 30th september 2012, in Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid


The IXth International Congress of Earth Architecture took place on 28th, 29th and 30th September in Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid.

The first day meeting was held in Valladolid, and next days were held in Cuenca de Campos.

Junta de Castilla y León

ARQUIA Caja de Arquitectos

Diputación Provincial de Valladolid

Townhall of Cuenca de Campos
Valladolid Deputation
Juan de Villanueva Chair. School of Architecture of Valladolid
Unesco Chair “Heritage, Restoration and Habitat”, University of Valladolid


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Friday 28th - Presentation and workshops in the Laboratory of the School of Architecture

Saturday 29th - Papers and Worshop in Cuenca de Campos

Sunday 30th - Papers




Prehispanic mud structures rescue in the coast of Veracruzana, Mexico.
Luis Guerrero, Annick J. E. Daneels. National Autonomous University of Mexico.

International cooperation project of the University of Valladolid, Spain, and the Secular University Eloy Alfaro of Manabí, Ecuador. Housing improvement in Manta through interuniversity research.
José Luis Sáinz Guerra, Félix Jové, Rosario del Caz, Pedro Olmos, Miguel Camino. University of Valladolid.

The construction techniques of intervention in rammed walls in the period 1980-1985 using the IPCE file.
Lidia García Soriano, Camilla Mileto, Fernando Vegas. Heritage Restoration Institute, University of Valencia.

The theory and practice of building with earth in the central regions of Italy.
Carlos Alberto Cacciavillani. Faculty of Architecture, University G. D'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara, Italy.

Compressed earth blocks in the project of the Center for the Elderly of San José de Chiquitos, Bolivia.
Sandra Bestraten Castells, Emilio Hormias Laperal. Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Earth wall formwork associated to the southeast wall of Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz).
Luis José García-Pulido, Manuel María Alonso Ruiz. Laboratory of Archeology and Architecture of the City (LAAC). School of Arabic Studies (CSIC) Bastetana Archaeology Studies Center (CEAB). Association of Bastetana Archeology Studies. Baza (Granada)

Mud mortars. Dovecotes in Al-Fayyum.
Dolores Rodríguez Pedraza. AIDICO - Technological Institute of Construction. Valencia

Living in earth.
Mario Larrondo Shiels, Maria Lilia González Servín, Jaell Duran Herrera, Isaac López García. Metropolitan Autonomous University. Xochimilco Unity. Mexico. UNAM, National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Rammed earth strategy in religious architecture of Tierra de Campos.
Javier Arias Madero. ETS Architectura, University of Valladolid

Earthquake resistant housing for the poor.
Francisco José Pinos Fernández. ETS Architecture, University of La Coruña.

Energy Efficiency Certification of earth buildings. Comparative study of two cases: new construction and existing building.
Mariella Diaz Santivañez, Mario Fernández Cadenas. University of la Coruña. UPM Universidad Politécnica Madrid.

The earthen architecture in New Medieval Castilian Villas. Relationship between architecture and urbanism. Analysis of Tordehumos and Peñaflor, Valladolid.
Alicia Sainz, Jose Luis Sáinz Guerra, Félix Jové, José Martínez Rubio, Mónica del Río. ETS Architectura. University of Valladolid.

Characterization of soils for construction of BTC's, applicable to social housing programs in the region of Manabi, Ecuador.
Francisco Vera, Abel Quimis, Jorge Moreira, Pedro Olmos. Uva - University Eloy Alfaro of Manabí, Ecuador.

Neighborhoods of traditional dug wine cellars in Valle del Esgueva.
David Muñoz de la Calle, Luis Pahino Rodríguez, Félix Jové, Raquel Adrián. ETS Architecture. University of Valladolid.

Comprehensive approach to the traditional winery experience in Cerrato of Palencia. Villaconancio case.
Boris Aparicio Tejido. Architecture Student. University of Valladolid.

Revealing the secret of the shore of Júcar. The House Sinyent. (Polinyà de Xuquer).
Ignacio Matoses Ortells. Technical Architect. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia

The construction of the Restaurant "Las Cúpulas" in San Cebrian de Campos (Palencia).
Pilar Diez Rodríguez. Architect. ETS Architecture of Valladolid

The coatings in traditional African architecture: conservation and maintenance.
Barbero Barrera M. M. y Maldonado Ramos L. Polytechnic University of Madrid. Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid.

The medieval towers of the valley of Segura de la Sierra or landscape construction. Analysis of rammed earth and clay work employed in its factories, conservation proposals.
Santiago Quesada García, Luis José García-Pulido. Architectural Department. ETSA University of Sevilla. Laboratory of Archeology and Architecture of the City (LAAC). School of Arabic Studies (CSIC)

The preservation of traditional architecture built with earth in Abruzzo.
Claudio Mazzanti. Faculty of Architecture, University "G. D'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara, Italy.

Muslim watchtower in Godelleta (Valencia), XII-XIII century.
Sara Baños Lozano, Sérelem Sarai Sánchez Ruiz. ETSAV, Politechnic University of Valencia, Valencia.

Thermodynamic behavior of CEB walls depending on the weather.
David Cavero Rodríguez, Félix Jové Sandoval. ETS Architecture. University of Valladolid.

Building a house with earth walls in Ayerbe, Huesca (Spain). PHASE 1 - Structure & Enclosures.
Àngels Catellarnau Visús. PERIFERIA, Architecture and Sustainability SCP

Earth walls and sustainable habitat, housing project study in Ciruelos de Coca, Segovia (Spain).
Luis Pahino Rodríguez, David Muñoz de la Calle. ETS de Architecture. University of Valladolid.

Urbanism and traditional house of Tlayacapan, Morelos, Mexico.
Leonardo Meraz Quintana. Autonomous Metropolitan University, Xochimilco. Mexico

Housing problems in Manta (Ecuador), informal settlements and new formal neighborhoods.
Jonathan Orozco, Miguel Camino, JL. Sáinz Guerra. University of Valladolid, University Eloy Alfaro of Manabí, Ecuador.

Rammed earth walls in Mudéjar Architecture.
Mónica del Río, Jesús San José, Félix Jové, Alicia Sainz. Superior Technical School of Architecture. University of Valladolid.

The earth in the teaching of Architecture: some reflections and essays.
António Borges Abel. University of Évora, School of Arts, Department of Architecture, Portugal

The use of earth in the popular Architecture.
Rosario Velasco García. UPM, School of Architecture of Madrid.

Analysis of architectural types of Ayapango village of Gabriel Ramos Millan, State of Mexico
Oliver Cruz Jiménez, Omar Peña Coya, Oscar Reyes Galván. Metropolitan Autonomous University - Xochimilco Unity, Mexico

Earth building techniques. Experimental prototype development.
Francisco Javier Soria López, Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca, Mario Larrondo Shiels. UNAM Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico.

The concept of Low-rise / High density, relative to traditional typologies of the region of Manabi (Ecuador) applied to an urban environment.
Luigina García, Andrés Cañizares, Rosario del Caz. University of Valladolid - University Eloy Alfaro of Manabí, Ecuador.

Academic Project "Uam Xochimilco-Las Animas". Architecture of Low Environmental Impact: Stabilized Earth with Clay
Juan Ricardo Alarcón Martínez, Juan Manuel Everardo Carballo Cruz, Noemi Bravo Reyna. Metropolitan Autonomous University - Xochimilco Unity, Mexico

Housing prototype built with CEB and guadúa cane for use in the region of Manabi, Ecuador.
Lider Cedeño, Juan Solano, Félix Jové. University of Valladolid - University Eloy Alfaro of Manabí, Ecuador.



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Organizing Committee

- Félix Jové, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid
- José Luis Sainz Guerra, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid


- David Muñoz de la Calle, University of Valladolid, Spain.
- José Mª Sastre, Technical Architect, Arqui-Terra list coordinator

Scientific Committee

- Miguel Camino Solórzano, Dr. Architect, Lay University of Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
- José Luis Sainz Guerra, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid, Spain
- Félix Jové, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid, Spain
- Humberto Varum, Dr. Civil Engineer, University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Leonardo Meraz, Dr. Architect, Metropolitan Autonomous University of Xochimilco, Mexico.

Junta de Castilla y León

ARQUIA Caja de Architects

Diputación Provincial de Valladolid

Townhall of Cuenca de Campos
Valladolid Deputation
Juan de Villanueva Chair. School of Architecture of Valladolid
Unesco Chair “Heritage, Restoration and Habitat”, University of Valladolid


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