Measurement Techniques

TechniquePropertyTemperaturesMaximum PressureUncertainty*
Single-sinker Magnetic
Suspension Densimeter
Gas Density(250 to 400) K20 MPa(0.02 to 0.4) %
Spherical Acoustic ResonatorSpeed of Sound in Gases(200 to 475) K20 MPa0.02 %
Flow CalorimeterIsobaric Heat Capacity(240 to 420) K25 MPa0.4 %
Vibrating Tube DensimeterDensity(240 to 420) K 140 MPa0.1 %
Flow CalorimeterExcess Enthalpy(240 to 420) K25 MPa1 %
Falling Body ViscometerViscosity(240 to 475) K 140 MPa3 %
Vibrating Wire ViscometerViscosity(200 to 475) K 140 MPa1.5 %
Static Isochoric Total Pressure
VLE Cell (Van Ness)
Phase Equilibrium(240 to 400) K 10 MPa 0.001 in liquid mole fraction
Cylindrical Microwave ResonatorPhase Equilibrium(200 to 360) K 50 MPa 0.1 % in pressure
* Overall Expanded Uncertainty (k = 2)