Research Laboratory
Department: Energy Engineering and Fluid Mechanics
Project Leaders
Prof. Miguel A. Villamañán, Professor of Thermodynamics
Prof. José J. Segovia, Professor of Thermodynamics José J. Segovia, Professor of Thermodynamics (2011). PhD in Engineering (1997)– University of Valladolid. He started in Spanish National Research Centre on Energy, Environment and Technology, where he focused on projects related to the revalorization of biomass. Since 1994, he belongs to the University of Valladolid. His recent research interests focus on the measurement of the thermophysical and phase equilibria properties of fluid mixtures, incorporating applied thermodynamics and apparatus development. Current studies include: the phase behaviour, density, heat capacity and viscosity of fluids at high temperatures and pressures; the speed of sound and derived thermodynamic properties of gases. He has carried out more than 30 projects and has published more than 100 papers with a high impact factor in those fields. Prof. María-Carmen Martín, Professor of Thermodynamics M. Carmen Martín, Professor of Thermodynamics (2002). Since her PhD studies (PhD in Chemistry in the University of Valladolid 1992), her research has focused on the measurement and modelling of vapor-liquid equilibria and calorimetry. She has been involved in 30 R+D+i competitive projects and has published over 90 papers in high impact factor journals. Her current research is related to the thermophysical characterization of amine solutions for carbon capture and of biofuels. Assoc. Prof. Alejandro Moreau Alejandro Moreau is a Senior Research Fellow. He specialises in phase behaviour and thermophysical properties of 1) biofuels (gases and liquids) and 2) liquid solvents for Carbon Capture. He also undertakes fundamental research in metrology. He obtained his Engineering PhD with European mention at the University of Valladolid in 2015, winning the Best Engineering Thesis Prize. He broadened his research interests joining the University Blaise Pascal immediately after graduation, working on carbon capture under the sponsorship of the French Ecology Transition Agency partnering with ArcelorMittal. Thereafter he spent a year working at Imperial College London deploying his knowledge in improving enhance oil recovery processes. Alejandro decided to have a year experience within the Industry, carrying out mechanical reliability test for diesel and petrol engines in Safran Engineering Services at Renault R&D in 2018. He resumed his academic career joining TermoCal as a Senior Research Fellow. He currently designs and commissions new equipment aimed at gathering high-accuracy measurements under challenging conditions. He has published 15 papers in high impact factor journals and collaborated in 10 National and International research projects. Dr Xavier Paredes Méndez, Research Fellow “María Zambrano” Xavier Paredes is a Research Fellow ‘María Zambrano’. He holds a PhD in Engineering (2012). His academic career has taken him to the Department of Soil and Water Sciences of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot Campus, studying flow in porous media. After applying for a postdoctoral fellowship of the Portuguese “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”, he started working at the “Centro de Química Estrutural”, a research unit of the University of Lisbon. His work there was once again related to the measurement of thermophysical properties, in this case of ionic liquids, either pure, in mixtures with water and also with nanoparticles, in the search for new heat transfer fluids for use in future heat exchangers, as well as the search for new working pairs for absorption refrigeration. Yisel Pérez Juan Diego Arroyave Juan Diego Arroyave is focused on the study of thermophysical properties of liquids and gases of interest for CO2 capture processes. Additionally, he studies the phase behaviour of liquid-vapor mixtures and their chemical equilibrium, with special application in emerging or commercially deployed CCS technologies. Dr Ángel Gómez-Hernández, Research Support Engineer
Juan Gil Sánchez, Accredited Calibration TechnicianEmail:
ORCID: 0000-0001-8715-1220
Scopus Author ID: 35615150300
Researcher ID: L-8290-2017
ORCID: 0000-0002-5745-181X
Scopus Author ID: 7406969748
ResearcherID: G-5407-2017
ORCID: 0000-0003-2212-7427
Scopus Author ID: 54930120200Email:
ORCID: 0000-0002-2322-8425
Scopus Author ID: 23993987700
ResearcherID: M-7494-2015
PhD Students
Yisel’s research is focused on the study of thermophysical properties and phase behaviour of fluid mixtures as part of CCS processes. In addition, her field of research includes metrology.Email:
Lab Technicians
Temperature and pressure calibration laboratory