VIII International Congress
of Earth Architecture, 2011

23rd, 24th, 25th september 2011, in Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid


The VIIth International Congress of Earth Architecture took place on 23rd, 24th and 25th September in Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid.

The first day meeting was held in Valladolid, and next days were held in Cuenca de Campos.

This year we visited the lab, we enjoyed a four hour earthen workshop directed by Laurent Coquemont and another by José María Sastre.

Junta de Castilla y León

ARQUIA Caja de Architects

Diputación Provincial de Valladolid

Townhall of Cuenca de Campos
Juan de Villanueva Chair. School of Architecture of Valladolid
Unesco Chair “Heritage, Restoration and Habitat”, University of Valladolid
Institutional Relations Office. University of Valladolid

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Friday 23rd - Presentation and workshops in the Laboratory of the School of Architecture

Saturday 24th - Worshops in Cuenca de Campos

Sunday 25th - Visit to the Convent and Evelio Gayubo exhibition



Characterization of mechanical behavior of adobe masonry walls.
Humberto Varum, Civil Engineer Dr. University of Aveiro, Portugal.

Interuniversity Research on alternative earth building in Mexico.
Francisco Javier Soria López, Architect Dr.; Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca, Architect, Design Dr.; Rubén Salvador Roux Gutiérrez, Architect Dr. Autonomous Metropolitan University. Xochimilco, Mexico.

Rural housing in "soil-cement": research, transfer and self-construction.
Jorge Marcelo Mas, Architect; Carlos Federico Kirschbaum, Engineer Dr. and Degree in Physics, Graciela Lucía Tonello, Degree in Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering. National University of Tucumán. Argentina.

Sustainable housing prototype built with walls of CEB.
Fernando Díaz-Pinés, Architect Dr.; Félix Jové, Architect Dr.; David Muñoz, Architect; Luis Pahino, Architect. University of Valladolid.

Characterization of soils for the restoration of the rammed walls from the Alcazaba de Badajoz.
Félix Jove, Architect Dr.; José Luis Sáinz Guerra, Architect Dr.; Pedro Olmos, Engineer Dr.; David Muñoz, Architect; Luis Pahino, Architect. University of Valladolid.

Construction with earth in the environmental education classroom Pozuelo de Alarcón.
Antonio Baño Nieva, Architect; Francisco Castilla Pascual, Architect Dr.; Alberto Vigil-Escalera del Pozo, Technical Engineer. Univerdsity of Alcalá de Henares, University. of Castilla La Mancha, European University.

Inhabit the desert. The new earth architecture for the sustainable development of oasis M'Hamid.
Ángela Ruiz Plaza, Architect. Polytechnic University of Madrid .

Architecture with earth in the twentieth century masters: Role in the literature dominated by modernity associated with new technologies.
José Manuel González Vázquez, Architect. University of Valladolid.

Prototype of social housing in Ecuador with improved traditional technologies, in response to global warming.
Miguel Camino Solórzano, Architect Dr, Lay University Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, ULEAM. Manta, Ecuador.

Intonaci in terra e gesso per la protezione delle costruzioni in terra cruda.
Manuela Mattone, Architect Dr,. Politecnico di Torino. Italia.

Transfer of technology through workshops for building with earth in the UAM-Xochimilco.
Francisco Javier Soria López, Architect Dr.; Alma Beatriz García Koch, Architect. Autonomous Metropolitan University. Xochimilco, Mexico.

Formal presentation of the magazine Informes de la Construcción, No. 523 The earth as construction material, a contemporary approach.
Eduardo Torroja Science of Construction Institute. Sandra Bestraten y Emilio Hormias, Architects. Polytechnic University of Cataluña.

Presentation of the book "Technologies for the habitat, energy use and productive development in rural areas".
Led by Graciela Lucia Tonello, Degree in Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, by Carlos Federico Kirschbaum, Enrique Emilio Galindez, Guillermo Enrique Gonzalo, Francisco Rafael Mellace, Raul Jorge Negrete. National University ofTucumán. Argentina.

Peruvian Andean Housing: Proposed use of resources system and passive regulation through self-construction with local materials. The improved reinforced rammed earth.
Zeltia González Blanco, Arquitecta. Polytechnic University of Madrid. Research Group Paisaje Cultural.

Magdalena cooker, improvements to a basic living in northern Peru.
Arquitectos Sin Fronteras Castilla y León (ASFCyL).

Heritage in the Silk Road.
Leonardo Meraz, Architect Dr. Autonomous Metropolitan University. Xochimilco, Mexico.

The excavated house: typological evolution, environmental conditions and geographical adaptation. The case of Crevillente (Alicante).
Beatriz Piedecausa García, Architect. University of Alicante.

The dug cellars in the area of "The Oteros" (León).
Rosario Velasco García, Architect. Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Reconstruction of the hut of Miraflores in Tordehumos (Valladolid).
Luis Pahino, Architect; David Muñoz, Architect; Fernando Díaz-Pinés, Architect Dr.; Félix Jové, Architect Dr. University of Valladolid.

Earth Architecture in Medieval New Towns of Castille. Analysis of the relationship between architecture and urbanism.
José Luis Sáinz Guerra, Architect Dr.; Félix Jové Sandoval, Architect Dr.; Alicia Sáinz Esteban, Architect; Mónica del Río Muñoz, Architect. University of Valladolid.




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Organizing Committee

- José Luis Sainz Guerra, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid
- Félix Jové, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid
- José Mª Sastre, Technical Architect, Arqui-Terra list coordinator


- Raquel Martínez, Architect, University of Valladolid, Spain.

Scientific Committee

- Mª Soledad Camino, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid, Spain
- Miguel Camino Solórzano, Dr. Architect, Lay University of Eloy Alfaro de Manabí
- José Luis Sainz Guerra, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid, Spain
- Félix Jové, Dr. Architect, Professor in the University of Valladolid, Spain
- Humberto Varum, Dr. Civil Engineer, University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Leonardo Meraz, Dr. Architect, Metropolitan Autonomous University of Xochimilco, Mexico.

Junta de Castilla y León

ARQUIA Caja de Architects

Diputación Provincial de Valladolid

Townhall of Cuenca de Campos
Juan de Villanueva Chair. School of Architecture of Valladolid
Unesco Chair “Heritage, Restoration and Habitat”, University of Valladolid
Institutional Relations Office. University of Valladolid


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