V International Congress
of Earth Architecture, 2008

20th, 21th september 2008, in Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid


Organised by TIERRA group, from University of Valladolid, congressional direction by Félix Jové Sandoval, organizing committee members: José Luis Sainz, Dr. Architect, Professor of the University of Valladolid; Mª Soledad Camino, Dr. Architect, female Professor of the University of Valladolid; Juana Font, Historian,Pro-Terra member; José Mª Sastre, Technical Architect, Arqui-Terra list coordinator; in collaboration: Cuenca de Campos Town Hall, Valladolid.


Presented Papers

Earth architecture in Bandiagara fault (Mali). Warehouses of Dogón people, constructive techniques
Félix Jové, Dr. Architect. University of Valladolid, Spain
ETSA professor.

Liquid Earth Grouts used to repair Structural Cracks in Adobe Historical Walls
Julio Vargas-Neumann, Marcial Blondet, Francisco Ginocchio, Kathya Morales and
Carlos Iñaki. Pontiff Catholic University of Perú (PUCP)

The earth as a construction material in civil engineering from the perspective of Earth Architecture
Pedro Olmos, Dr. Civil engineer
University of Valladolid, Spain. Soil Mechanics professor.

Mudbrick architectures in Low Guadalquivir, on Orientalizant Period. Some reflections around Carambolo settlement (Camas, Sevilla)
Patrícia Bruno. Architect, MA in Conservation of Architectonic and Landscape
Heritage (Évora University), UNIARQ researcher (Lisbon University)

Adobes and CEB production. Obras con Calma-Adobera del norte CB
Jon Santibáñez y Cristina Ortega. Enterprise of adobe and CEB production.

CEBs production unity. Dissemination Projects
Jorge Seisdedos. (Madrid)
Hábitat Tierra -CEET y DeS- Center for the sustainable development of habitat.

Rammed Earth in País Valenciano. Rammed walls consolidation in Castell Vell de Castello
Fermin Font Mezquita, Technical Architect, Castellón, Spain.

Sky, earth, rammed wall
José Manuel González Vázquez, Santiago Bellido Blanco y Concepción Pérez Martín. Architects. University of Valladolid professors an investigators, Spain.

Prehispanic Earth Architecture in the North of México: the cliff houses
Luis Fernando Guerrero Baça, Architect. Metropolitan Autonomous University of Xochimilco. Coord. Earth Científic Committee ICOMOS-México

Adobe traditional house in Yecapixtla, México: typological analysis
Leonardo Meraz Quintana, Luis Fernando Guerrero Baça, Francisco Javier Soria López. Metropolitan Autonomous University of Xochimilco Architects. México

Rammed Earth reconstruction in the Sinovas Church (Burgos). Experimental technique by adding medium format pieces of compacted soil, "tapialete"
David Muñoz de la Calle, Architecto. Scholarship holder Fundación del Patrimonio Histórico de Castilla y León. Luis Pahino, Félix Jové, Fernando Díaz-Pinés, Architects, Spain.

A possible experience, the construction with adobe. Pilgrims' hostel in Gotarrendura (Ávıla)
Carlos Jiménez Pose, Architect.

Earth construction in Castilla y León
José Luis Saiz Guerra, Dr. Architect. University of Valladolid
Urbanism professor, ETSA, Valladolid, Spain.


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Image 1. Photo group in the plenary hall of the City Council of Cuenca de Campos

Image 2. Coordinators and participants in the sacristy of the Santa María Church-Museum.



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